Memory and Revolt in Poetry by Mapuche Women: Intimacy/Social Bond I
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The following article is an approach to memory, gender, and poetry by Mapuche women. The study pretends to interweave gender studies, philosophy/ literature and feminist criticism. We will consider the concept of memory by Paul Ricoeur and Rosi Braidotti as well as ‹social bond› and ‹revolt› by Julia Kristeva. The critical-theoretical frame (Butler and Braidotti) will allow us to revise the crossing between sexual and ethnic difference. The selected corpus for the analysis comes from three main anthologies of poetry by Mapuche women: Hilando en la memoria, edited by Soledad Falabella, Allison Ramay, Graciela Huinao and Roxana Miranda Rupailaf in the 2006 and 2009; and Kümedungun/Kümewirin edited by Mabel Mora Curriao and Fernanda Moraga, 2010.
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