The Inaccessibility of Truth: The Elusive Deer of Identity

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Lola Proaño Gómez


This article is an answer to the question on the possibility of a political interpretation of recent Latin American dramatic products, emphasising on «political issues» through meaningful and logical ruptures that dislocate the stage from within. The Cuban theatre troupe El Ciervo Encantado (2005-2008), based on its programme, aims to fi nd in Visiones de la cubanosofía, «the elusive deer that is identity». On stage is displayed, through various theatrical techniques, the incapacity of language —its symbolic aspect— to capture it. The proposal stages what is denied: the impossibility to apprehend identity by only presenting the successive identifi cations that cannot reach it. The scene states that it has only been an illusion caused by the refl ection of the cultural discourses created through history.

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Author Biography

Lola Proaño Gómez

Pasadena City College, Languages Division. California, EE.UU

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