Rethinking narcomarketing in the identity representations of the drugsworld transmitted on Tiktok

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Alejandra León Olvera


This article aims to problematize the concept of narcomarketing questioning its validity, explaining from the perspective of cultural studies the production of new digital consumption on Tiktok  where narratives emerge and reinforce the identity representations that have been created in the imaginary of the drugworld. 

Starting from a theoretical framework on the definition of narcoculture as work and social culture, the methods of netnography and critical multimodal discourse analysis are used in the selected corpus of two accounts, to convey the identity representations created from the drugworld in the digital media.

The study analizes and give thought to on the production discourses, also taking into account the general analythics of the reception reactions of consumers, thus problematizing the relevance of the use of the narcomarketing concept as a contribution to the narcoculture  studies under the Cultural Studies and digital consumption perspective, pointing out that interdisciplinary work is necessary to study this culture.

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