Temporal variation of fog in El Tofo- hungungo, Coquimbo Region, Chile
Occurrence of fog, seasonal periods, variationAbstract
The information on the occurrence of fog in the years 1987-1995 in El Tofo, IV Region, is analyzed. The temporal variation of fogwater collection is discussed in relation to the yearly and monthly behaviour. An average of 3 L /m²/day was measured and the months of higher collection are spring, and the lowest, correspond to winter. 1t was determinad that soma periods Nave a regular behaviour along the years, like the months of spring and winter, and others, like January and February are irregular.
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How to Cite
CERECEDA, P., SCHEMENAUER, R. ., & VELASQUEZ, F. (1997). Temporal variation of fog in El Tofo- hungungo, Coquimbo Region, Chile. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (24), 103–111. Retrieved from https://revistaapuntes.uc.cl/index.php/RGNG/article/view/41333