Causes of risk in a society in formation. The "cotton fever" and its consequences in an Argentine jurisdiction
Chaco Regions, historical geography, peripheral regionsAbstract
From the arriving of the Spaniards do the Río de la Plata and until the first décadas of the XX century, the region of Chaco, situade in the north of Argentina, was associated to the image of an inhospitable land, impenetrable and wild. The second stage of the agrarian colonization, arissen as result of a sucessful cotton cultivation, originated difficulties inherent to an alluvial society that arrivead abruptly attracted by the perspective of an unlimited progress. The consequent administrative troubles and the deficiencies caused by that as segurity for example are the central points of this study in the present investigation.
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How to Cite
MARI, ÓSCAR E. . (2001). Causes of risk in a society in formation. The "cotton fever" and its consequences in an Argentine jurisdiction. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (28), 143–155. Retrieved from