New labour spatialities. Moving the notion of workplace based on digital mobile workers in Santiago de Chile



Economía GIG, trabajadores por plataforma, urbanismo de plataforma, movilidad, territorialidad


Despite the increased interest in recent years on the new forms of work associated with the emergence of the GIG economy, few studies characterise these workers’ labor practices or highlight the importance of mobility in the context of Smart Cities and platform urbanism. The denominations "platform workers", "on-demand workers" or "GIG workers" do not yet grasp the mobility aspect of this type of work, therefore this paper proposes the concept of "digital mobile workers" (DMW). Based on the collection and analysis of secondary information available in Chile as well as mobile and remote ethnographies, this paper, on the one hand, shows the absence of classifications and data to characterise DMWs; and on the other, it questions the current concept of "workplace", observing the generation of new labour spatialities based on the socio-technical assemblage between worker-platform-time-space, which, when understood as a continuum, pose serious implications both in work practices as in  the conformation of territories that emerge from labour mobility today.


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How to Cite

Jirón, P., Ulriksen Moretti, C., & Rivas, A. (2024). New labour spatialities. Moving the notion of workplace based on digital mobile workers in Santiago de Chile. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (88). Retrieved from


